Most items are delivered instantly by email, Some items may take up to 24 hours for delivery because they are hand-created by our staff
If you decide to create an account while placing your order, you’ll be able to access the item information conveniently through your “My Orders” page. Additionally, you’ll receive a confirmation and details via email. However, if you opt not to create an account, the information will still be promptly delivered to your email.
We offer a wide range of payment options to suit your preferences. At the moment, you have the flexibility to make direct payments using cryptocurrencies. Alternatively, you can choose to purchase a Binance gift card from the internet and then exchange it for an equivalent value. This allows you to select the payment method that best aligns with your needs and convenience.
Certainly! We support reselling and offer discounts for bulk purchases. Get in touch with us to customize an offer tailored to your needs.
Discount available for bulk orders (More than one). Contact us for details